Bienvenue chers auditeurs sur
la Radio Indépendante à Transmission Magique !

Playlist Spécial "The Parselmouths" :

¤ 01 - "It's Not Half Bad (Remix)"
¤ 02 - "Being a Veela Is Easy"
¤ 03 - "Spattergroit"
¤ 04 - "Heartbreaker"
¤ 05 - "Luna's Paintings"
¤ 06 - "We Let a Gryffindor In The Band"
¤ 07 - "The Day I Met a Snake"
¤ 08 - "Voldemort Fangirl"
¤ 09 - "This Is Never Going To End"
¤ 10 - "Eat Slugs"
¤ 11 - "Freaking Ask Me To The Yule Ball"
¤ 12 - "My Obsession"
¤ 13 - "We Belong Together"
¤ 14 - "What Kind of Name Is Hermione"
¤ 15 - "Who Are These Boyz"
¤ 16 - "Oh Dumbledore"
¤ 17 - "Quidditch is my Favorite Sport"
¤ 18 - "Durmstrang Boy"
¤ 19 - "In Which Green is the Best Color"
¤ 20 - "The In Between"

¤ Bonus Track - "Ssss Sss Ssss"